Guidelines for the Interlibrary Loan Service of University of Saint Joseph Library
Eligible Users and Conditions
This interlibrary loan service is available for the patrons of all MALA libraries. Using MALA Interlibrary Loan Service in USJ-Library assumes the knowledge and understanding of these regulations.
Borrowing Privileges
This service is eligible only for standard books of general circulation. Other types included in collections such as Reference, Audio-visuals, Special, Thesis and Dissertations, etc. are not eligible.
Pick-up at USJ-Library (Ilha Verde Campus) after informed, the book will be returned to shelves after two days. Patrons should contact USJ-Library for any particular reasons.
On-loan Quantity and Time Period
Maximum 3 books are allowed at a time and the borrowing period must not be over 21 days. Our Library reserves the right to recall the checked out books (even those are not yet due) at any time.
Loan Details
a. For each MALA patron is permitted the loan of 3 items for 14 loan days. This period could be renewed for only one time. Patrons should ask for permission, before the due date by sending an email to our The renewal is not permitted if another patron is waiting for the book.
b. Any borrowed item not returned by the due date is considered overdue, and the borrower is subject to a fine of MOP5/day. Borrowers must settle overdue loans and fines before they are permitted to borrow again.
c. Any item damaged or not returned to the library within 90 days from the due date is deemed lost, and the borrower will be subject to an additional processing fee of 100MOP plus the replacement costs.